today i went to see my lecturer due the late submitted my a'ment (i was late for 3 minutes according to tutor's watch)
early in the mrng i went to see him, and i told him my reason... he said it is not fair if i still get the bonus 5 marks so he deduct our marks for the late pass up.... actually i can get 24 bt now only 19 mark over 30...i nt sure whether will deduct another 5 marks for another assignment anot? but still thank god, i mayb still can pass my subject instead of getting ZERO (total 60 marks for assessment 1 &2).
before i went to see him, really stress and worried... but now know my marks ady, a little bit release...
19+19+10=48... 2 more marks i need to get from final exam... not a big problem ba....??? hope so :p